Signing Friends

A short while ago, on a desktop not too far away, a computer sat quietly processing lots of very important information whilst its operator sat answering the many emails received that day. It was like many other days in the studio until, at 12.29 pm, a short but very intriguing email popped into the inbox that proved to be extremely interesting and exciting!
Rewinding back a little further, there had been several discussions in the studio about Sarah’s desire to learn to communicate using sign language – and this email was all about just that! Suzanne and Tracy, the founders of a wonderful company called Singing Hands, had contacted us with an idea to turn their signing puppets into a series of books that all children and adults could use to learn about Makaton signing and to help everyone have the ability to communicate with each other! What a fantastic idea, and one that we instantly wanted to be involved with! Many moons later, after LOTS of hard work, late nights, long weekends and hundreds of cups of tea, not to mention going through something of a learning curve, we are exceptionally proud that the first Signing Friends series of books is now available!
There are many more titles in the pipeline to be released over the coming months and years, which we are already very much looking forward to creating. Also, along with every book, there will be a supporting video, and Barry, our Studio Manager, is very proud and privileged to have written, composed and produced the theme tune for these videos!

Mini Healthcare Heroes

We are incredibly excited to be collaborating with Celie Brayson on this fantastic project, which has been designed and created to help teach children the basics of first aid and simple medical care. Mini Healthcare Heroes is a series of books and other merchandise where children can learn how to deal with cuts and bruises, as well as many common ailments, in a fun and interactive way.

The Elephant’s Trunk

Working alongside Derek & Teresa Bellamy, the founders of The Elephants Trunk, we have between us created, designed and developed a series of personalised books for all children. Not only can each book be personalised with the child’s name, but there is also the ability to create an avatar to add to the book! There is a vast and continually growing selection of assets that can be used to create the avatar, but what makes us stand out from the rest is that we strive to include all children of all abilities and ethnicities.
Along with a large choice of hair, skin, and eye colours, and a bank containing a huge range of clothing etc., there is also an ever-expanding selection of assets which can be used to create avatars for children with various disabilities and impairments, such as wheelchairs, walking aids, hearing aids, etc. We are proud to be involved with such a wonderful project, and we are committed to working towards making The Elephants Trunk the most inclusive and unique children’s personalised book company around.

Emotions At Play

Helping young children understand their complex range of emotions is becoming increasingly recognised as a vital area in their well-being. Enter the fabulous Gillian Murgatroyd, a seasoned children’s therapist and her wonderful idea for an ever-expanding range of books designed to help children in several ways.
Along with the support and encouragement of their parent, guardian or caregiver, the ‘Emotions At Play’ series has been designed to provide children with therapeutic storytelling and various fun activities to assist them in understanding and coping with their varied emotional needs. We are incredibly excited to collaborate with Gillian on this super project which we believe will provide much-needed support to many children!

Nature Thyme

Encouraging children to explore and enjoy the outdoors is something that we here at Happydesigner place high on our list of priorities, so to be working alongside Ali Hoyle on this fab project is very special to us! Based on the ‘no-dig’ approach to farming, ‘Nature Thyme’ has been created to actively promote this fantastic farming technique on a broader scale to adults and children alike, and we are excited to be developing a children’s book series to accompany it. ‘Wizz and Fizz’ is a series of books created to connect children and adults to the wonders and beauty of nature, touching on the principles of ‘no-dig’ farming in a fun and engaging way. The books tell the story of two very special friends, Wizz and Fizz, and their adventures on Dilly-Dally Farm, as well as gently introducing the reader to a different way of growing healthy fruits and vegetables, and the importance of looking after the land.

We will be adding more collaborative projects to this page as time progresses, so keep checking back for any updates!
Also, if you have an idea for a project that you feel would interest us, please get in touch with as many details as possible, and we can maybe have a chat!