Children’s book illustration/Educational illustration. Written by Kristina Gray

“When I was born the Doctor told my mummy and daddy that I had achondroplasia. This is a big word, it is not a special super power it just means that my bones grow differently.

“My name is Max, and I am four years old. I am just like you, but I’m not as tall! The thing is, my bones aren’t the same as yours. This means it’s easier for me to play hide & seek, as I can fit into all the spaces bigger kids can’t! You’ll notice I look different, but inside I’m the same as you!”

strong and mighty max

Strong and Mighty Max is just like any other four year old. He loves playing super-heroes with his friends. Max may be short in stature but his heart is big and his dreams are bigger.

strong and mighty max

What Is It All About?

Strong and Mighty Max was written by Kristina Gray, a mother of a child who was born with achondroplasia. Achondroplasia is a rare condition affecting 1 in 25,000 births. Children born with the condition have shorter upper limbs and a slightly larger head than their peers, and have normal intelligence. Strong and Mighty Max is just like any other child his age, apart from his shorter limbs. In the book Max explains how the doctor first told his parents that he was born with achondroplasia and what this actually means.

Illustrated by the Happydesigner herself, Sarah-Leigh Wills, this book encourages children to celebrate that each one of us is unique and different in some way. It encourages people to not focus on outward appearances, but to look at the heart. We can all dream big, and, just like Max, your life can be a great adventure. Aimed at 0-7 year olds, Strong and Mighty Max will particularly appeal to families affected by rare genetic conditions, and specifically a form of dwarfism.

Life will always be a great adventure for Max.

childrens books

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