Category: Writing a book

Nurturing the Creative Mind: A Guide to Mindfulness for Authors

Mindfulness, the practice of being fully present and aware of one’s thoughts, feelings, and surroundings, has become increasingly recognised as a valuable tool for enhancing creativity and overall well-being. For authors, who often face the challenges of maintaining focus, overcoming creative blocks, and managing the stress of the writing process, incorporating mindfulness into their daily…

5 Quick Tips for Aspiring Children’s Book Authors

At Happydesigner, we’re passionate about crafting stories that ignite the spark of curiosity and joy in young readers. With a love for all things whimsical and an expertise honed over two decades, we’ve proudly produced over 700 beautifully illustrated books for authors across the globe. Our mission is simple: to make your journey from concept…

The Importance of Professional Design in Children’s Books

If you’ve ever lost yourself in the vibrant pages of a children’s book, you know there’s something truly magical about them. These aren’t just stories; they’re gateways to worlds of imagination, learning, and fun. Here at Happydesigner, we’re not just about creating books; we’re about crafting experiences that stay with little readers (and their grown-ups!)…

Why not make 2024 the year you become an author?

We’re a month into 2024, and how is the year going for you so far? Are you sticking to your New Year’s resolutions? Have you been following Dry January or Veganuary? Well, how about embarking on a different sort of quest for 2024, one that will give you a year-long (maybe even lifelong) interest, exercise…

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